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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Emil Does Devil's Lake!!

On Sunday, July 27th the whole family took a little jaunt to Devil's Lake. We've been dying to try out the backpack our Harbor palls gave us when Emil was born. We were concerned that he might still be a touch too little for it but as you can see, he managed himself just fine. What a great contraption! We're strongly considering taking it to Colorado with us next week!

"Oh my stars! I'm riding in this"?
We'd better be moving fast! I'm a man of action!
I had no idea this guy was going to be my driver!
Enough with the pictures already! Let's get moving!
Emil sleeps through stop number 1.
The happy family

Emil sleeps through stop number 2

Backseat driver

This is the life!

1 comment:

Bryon said...

For cute!!
Good to see the little man out and about. Jamison loves his back back. he grabs Karen's hair and uses it to steer!! I'm glad to see that ya'll are updating the blog....must not be Kev!!