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Friday, April 11, 2008

We've Got Emil!

That's right! Mr. Emil William Apodaca arrived on Sunday, April 6, 2008, at 5:33 a.m. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 18.5 inches tall. He is healthy, handsome and has dark brown curly hair. Emil had us all fooled; almost everyone that guessed thought he was a girl.

He doesn't look too happy here but I think he is all broken up because he finally got to meet his dad. His big sister Breezy was present for his birth, no doubt these two have a special bond. It was actually very cool. Just as he was born, I looked at Breezy and she had this huge smile on her face and tears streaming down her face. Beautiful!

Jennifer was incredible, she never complained and she never broke a sweat. Something to be said for being an Ironwoman. She was rewarded for all of her hard work and commitment to being fit and active throughout her pregnancy. Both Jennifer and Emil look great after a very intense but fairly quick experience.

We named Emil after my mother, Emily. His name is an old one and not very common. It is pronounced eh-MEEL. His name means eager. He is already living up to his name having arrived 8 days early. His middle name is William - after William Schwartz, who lived next door to Jennifer when she was a little girl. He was like a grandfather to her and they spent many days together thinking big thoughts, eating Bugles, red licorice and Wrigley's spearmint gum. He was very special to Jennifer.
Emil loves a schedule! Imagine that? He is eating every 3 hours like clock work. He and his mother have figured out the whole nursing routine and the boy is gradually gaining the weight he dropped after birth. His mother is recording a lot of data and making note of key trends in his development.
Here are a few pictures of the early days.

Emil's first bath at home. What a handsome boy!

Emil and his big sister Breezy.

Emil during play time.

Emil after play time. Ok - so he's only a few days old and he gets tired quickly. We know this won't last for long.
We are so happy to have the little man home and we are excited to share life with this sweet boy.
Check in again for an update on his progresss.
Peace friends.